Featured Artist Showcase


Joanne Gervais is a professional visual artist with a few decades of experience in both studio work and live events sketching.  She has created 8000+ drawings, paintings, designs & illustrations in all hard & digital media.  Styles range from classical to contemporary.  Supports include canvas, board, birch bark, reclaimed wood & salvaged drumskins. Joanne is an experienced live sketch artist and works at court trials, conferences, music festivals, etc.  Joanne is an experienced live sketch artist creating caricatures, dessin a deux, and full colour portraits live, in minutes.   Joanne has a portrait studio where weekly atelier sessions with the live model are held.  This is the time where she develops her skills & experiments with new materials, techniques and styles.

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Retail Locations


610 King St. West, Hamilton, ON L8P 1C2
905-529-7700 | 1-800-268-2969 ext. 1500

Monday - Saturday: 10AM - 6PM
Sunday: 11AM - 5PM

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