Coloring With Copic

Copic is a brand of professional quality markers founded in 1987 by the Too Group
in Tokyo, Japan. Their durable graphic markers are alcohol-based, refillable
and available in various designs and in 358 colors to suit individual needs.

It is a fast-drying, transparent alcohol ink that does not harm paper fiber and the surface remains smooth. The alcohol ink used in COPIC markers is low-odor, and nontoxic. 

Let's talk about coloring with Copics. As seen in the video it's important to pick the right colors for your piece, this can be challenging for beginners. In cases like the one in the video we are working with an incredibly cute style of art. So, let's look into why the artist may have picked pastels. 
We see candies, cakes and sweets as a prominent motif for this piece, and overall, a feeling of whimsy and softness. From this point we'll want to pick softer colors that are lighter in saturation.
Additionally this piece has a ton of color, like a candy wonderland. Too much saturated color can hurt the eyes and make a piece feel cluttered and busy. Which in some cases is exactly what the piece needs, in this case however we want the colors to be less saturated so it doesn't appear harsh and conflict with the adorable and inviting theme of the picture. 

Next, did you notice how the artist takes great care in alternating colors? There are only a few examples where you can see the same color touching another item of the same color. taking this into account can create strong, natural layering. When too many of the same colors are touching one another, the piece can look flat, and feel a little off. To avoid this, it is best to plan and envision what you want your piece to look like in the again. Of course, there will be some instances where it's unavoidable, but taking the time to plan and having a wide range of colors can easily remedy this issue. 

One last detail I'd like to point out is how the artist colored the three characters in this piece. Notice how not only are they depicted to be similar in the line work BUT the artist makes them different and links them together in their coloring. What do I mean by this? Take a closer look at the hair, yellow, pink and blue, these give the characters a distinct difference and personality. Look at their hair clips each has the color of the other character's hair. Finally let’s look at the eyes that link these three together, they are all colored in with yellow and shaded with pink. All these aspects together are what makes them feel connected, yet unique. 


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